Q. I registered at this website and did not receive my password! Whats going on ?
A. Check under the spam/bulk email/junk mail folder of your email client. Be sure to mark the message as “not spam” or add admin@unitedstudentsindia.com & wordpress@unitedstudentsindia.com to your email “safe list” to avoid this from happening in the future.
Q. What is United Students ?
A. United Students is a youth initiative by People’s Action. US is a Delhi-based society of young people who are interested in fighting for governance issues. Teams of US members work on various campaigns depending on where their interest lies.
Q. Does US have a formal structure ?
A. No. After much discussion, we’ve decided that we don’t need to stick labels on people. All US members are equal. All decisions are taken after informed debate and discussion within the group. In cases where this is not possible [usually due to time constraints], the more active US members at that point in time take a decision after mutual deliberation.
Q. What is the US ideology?
A. US is a freethinkers forum. We realize that at the age of 18 or 19 or 20, one cannot say for certain that they follow this or that ideology. We’ve various shades of opinion reflected within the group, albeit with the common bond of a strong motivation to work constructively to improve standards of governance.
Q. What is the difference between US and an NGO?
A. First and foremost, unlike NGOs, US is not averse to the idea of fighting elections. We faught the Delhi University Students Union elections in 2006. Our parent organization, People’s Action alongwith some Resident Welfare Associations also put up some candidates for the Municipal Corporation of Delhi polls held in February, 2007.
Secondly, US has not yet taken up issues that are closely linked to NGOs in the popular imagination [for eg: educating children living in slum clusters]. We DON’T organize trips to JJ clusters, intending to educate children. We DON’T go to orphanges or insitutions for autistic children. We believe there are plenty of excellent NGOs already working in that direction. If there are a thousand such NGOs, there is very little point in US becoming the one thousand and first.
Instead, we are trying to provide a clean, effective and innovative alternative, especially to students, in the political arena. Due to the general low standards of most [if not all!] political parties, students, especially in the urban centres of our country, are moving away from the political arena at an alarming rate. US intends to show that an alternative way of thinking and working is not only desirable, but also possible. This is not to say that we only contest polls and do nothing else. We obviously take up social issues, but usually these are such that are not taken up by other organizations [such as our DU transport campaign].
Q. How Can I join?
A. See this page.Got any more questions? Contact US today!