Archive for the ‘female feoticide’ Category

How to deal with sexual harassment in DU? Here’s how

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007

Everybody knows that sexual harassment is rampant in Delhi University. Girls endure lewd comments and even groping on an almost daily basis. It goes on inspite of article XIV-D and heavy policing on campus. In fact, the police seems to add to the problem for they are very evidently not sensitized to the issue and just can’t deal with the problem in an acceptable manner. It is obvious that some institutional changes are required to tackle this problem.

United Students has recommended that the following steps be taken to deal with this menace in an effective and lasting way:

1. Install gates to make North Campus an enclosed university area, with regulated entry through the use of tokens.

2. Establish a university security force, which ought to be specially sensitized to deal with cases of sexual abuse, and should comprise of a good number of student volunteers. The force must’ve a 50/50 male-female ratio.

3. Establish a strong statutory body on the lines of the GSCASH [Gender Sensitization Committee Against Sexual Harassment] in JNU to deal expeditiously with cases of sexual harassment against students, teachers and karamcharis.

US protests sexual harassment in Delhi

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007


On the occasion of Daughters Day [Sunday, 23rd September 2007] United Students, Delhi’s premier students organization organized a protest meeting at Central Park, CP to highlight the recently reported and shocking cases of sexual harassment in Delhi University and to suggest remedial measures.

Background: Candidates appearing for a police recruitment test in the North Campus on Sunday, 16th September had violently molested several girls in the campus area. Many of the victims belonged to the Indraprastha College and when the girls had gone to the police about the incidents, the cops on duty had refused to file complaints, and had passed insensitive comments to boot.

Its only after several hundred students assembled in front of the Vice Chancellor office within the next 3 days to demand justice, was the administration woken out of its slumber, once the media and the National Commission for Women had got involved in the issue.

However, over the last three weeks the university administration as well as the NCW has done little about this case, and are also clueless about how to deal with the recurring problem of sexual harassment in the campus.

Thus, United Students decided to take this issue out to the common people of Delhi, by organizing a large protest meeting in Connought Place, and by involving parents and guardians of students of the university. We got a great response from the people of Delhi, and everybody was one on the view that sexual harassment has become rampant in the city, and there is pressing need of changes at the insitutional level to deal with this menace.

Issued in public interest

Friday, June 8th, 2007

Don’t abort the girl child!