Reservations. US was the first group in Delhi to protest against extension of caste based reservations to OBCs. We organized a massive protest rally at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in the capital on April 11,2006 in this regard. A US delegation also met the President of India with a petition to stop caste based reservations
see: US meets the President
Also see: our stance on Affirmative Action
DUSU Elections. Aaditya Dar of United Students contested the presidential post of the Delhi University Students Union in the elections held on September 8, 2006. He was the only anti-quota candidate in the fray, after a prominent anti-quota group had decided to back the candidate of the ABVP. Aaditya Dar’s election manifesto [available in the downloads section of this website] addressed issues of women’s safety and campus security, besides reservation. Aaditya Dar finished third, securing 4,300 votes, far ahead of candidates of several prominent political parties and student outfits.
Priyadarshini Mattoo case. US initiated the JUSTICE FOR PRIYADARSHINI MATTOO campaign, which led to a retrial in the Priyadarshini Mattoo murder case. The accused, Santosh Kumar Singh was subsequently awarded life imprisonment.
see: “Justice for Priyadarshini: My experiences” by US Member Aditya Raj Kaul.
also see: Justice for Priyadarshini through photos
Voter ID Campaign. US ran a highly succesful Voter ID campaign for students of Delhi University in July-August 2006. Through this campaign, US members helped students to get a voter ID card [issued by the Election Commission of India] by making available the required official forms, guiding students step by step through the form filling process, and then collecting completed forms and depositing them with the election commission.
Nitish Katara case. A US member, Vindhya Malik has initiated a campaign to secure justice in the Nitish Katara murder case.
see: Justice for Nitish Katara online petition
also see: Justice for Nitish Katara blog
Jessica Lall Case. United Students played a major role in the Justice for Jessica Lall campaign, which saw the Jessica Lall murder case reopened in the high court, after apparent miscarriage of justice in the sessions court.
RTI Campaigns. Several US members have been very active in the Right to Information Campaign, which not only got the historic RTI legislation passed in parliament, but also ensured that designs to reduce the efficacy of the act were not succesful.
DU Transport Campaign. A US member, Ritwik Agrawal wrote a letter to the Delhi transport minister demanding free of charge shuttle service for students and teachers of Delhi University, also indicating a possible route map for such shuttles [a copy of the letter is available in the downloads section of this website]. Another US member, Krishna Kaul wrote a letter to the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation demanding concessional metro passes for university students [also available in the downloads section]. Both these points featured prominently in Aadiya Dar’s election manifesto, and US plans to take them up in a big way as the new academic session gets underway.